Marc Sylla

Marc Sylla X Afrika Museum

The campaign image for this exhibition developed from a collaboration between the Afrika Museum and the Nijmegen artist Marc Sylla.

Take a look behind the scenes in this video from Festus Toll. The creative process — from inspiration to completion — including an interview with the artist, has been recorded on video. Sylla explains why this exhibition was important to him and what he hopes visitors will learn from the exposition. The original painting can be seen, along with this video, in the exhibition.  

View the video of the creative process here, including the interview with the artist. Video by Festus Toll.

The painting

Commissioned by the museum, Marc Sylla has created a beautiful, colourful and powerful painting. To create this, the artist allowed himself to be inspired by the exhibition and by his Guinean roots.

‘The first time I saw the exhibition, I actually asked myself: ”Why don’t we learn this at school?”’

Marc Sylla x Afrika Museum
Afterlives of Slavery - Marc Sylla