Bruikleenaanvragen - Afrika Museum

Loan Requests

Sharing is the new owning

The Africa Museum merged with Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum and Leiden’s Museum Volkenkunde on April 1, 2014. Together these three museums make up the Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (NMVW). The joint collection comprises more than 370,000 objects and 260,000 photographs of peoples and cultures from across the world. The National Museum of World Cultures attaches great importance to enabling as many people as possible to enjoy its collection. As such we pursue a generous loans policy. 

Procedure, tariffs and general terms and conditions

Loan applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the start date of the loan in the form of a written request addressed to NMVW’s Director of Content Wayne Modest. 

The request should minimally include the following information:

  • Exhibition period
  • Name of the exhibition
  • Name and address of the institution requesting the loan
  • Contact (name, telephone number, postal address, email address)
  • Up-to-date facility report of the applicant institution
  • Objects list with inventory number and description of the object

All loans are subject to a handling fee, based on the number of objects given on loan. Where applicable extra costs will be charged for restoration and packaging.
Loan requests may be addressed to:
Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
Mr. Wayne Modest, director
PO Box 212
2300 AE Leiden

For the current tariffs and general terms and conditions, please read the following documents: Costs for loans (PDF) and General term and conditions for loans (PDF).

Smarter borrowing

The Africa Museum, Tropenmuseum and Museum Volkenkunde have endorsed the points of departure pertaining to loans within the Netherlands. Clear and uniform procedures facilitate the loans process and make it easier for museums to request loans and to issue objects on loan. 

You can read the points of departure for museum loans within the Netherlands here. 

Searching the database

You can consult our online database to search for objects in the collection

Photographic material

Looking for striking photographic material? Our collection contains more than 300,000 photographs, slides and negatives from over 100 different countries. You can search the collection via the online database. 

Images can be ordered via the online database or via Press photographs are available via the press page. 


For general information regarding the loan procedure, please e-mail